Friday, 20 December 2013

Another holiday, another blog

This evening I am in Geneva, Switzerland. I am here for one reason, it was phenomenally cheaper to fly on Friday then it was on Saturday. And why was I flying. Well I am of to Chamonix again to ski over Christmas, and the package starts on Saturday. Being based in Sweden, almost everyone I know has gone home or away for Christmas, and sadly Sanne is away travelling South East Asia, so can't celebrate with her.  So it is a chance to go do something I have learnt to do while living in Europe, which I love.
So while I ski there will only be a couple of blogs. The true writing will start in the second half of the winter break. I am travelling from Chamonix to the Matterhorn, Berne, Lucerne, Zurich Liechtenstein and finally Munich.
I am a little excited for this whirlwind tour. I have only once been to Switzerland previously. That was Geneva and I found it boring. Hence I haven't bothered doing much here this evening but eat. But Switzerland is meant to be about the mountains and cute towns. Swiss people have told me to not judge the country by the two major cities as they are fake and don't represent the country at all. So here we are. A weeks time I will be testing that theory. Fingers crossed that the theory becomes fact..
But first, the reason I came this way in the first place. The skiing. Hooray.
So not writing again until Christmas. Which reminds me, I am missing a swedish tradition again this year. ...... Kalle Unka.


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