Friday 8 July 2016


My last big adventure in Peru was to head down to Arequipa. This town is beautiful with snow capped volcanoes in the background, and the journey there really gives you the sense of getting into the Andes. The main purpose for coming here was to visit Colca Canyon, a place recommended by a number of friends, as well as backpackers in Cuzco.
The journey started with a bus ride through a national park where as a group we saw hundreds of vicuna, llamas and alpacas. At 4000m we had a stop to take photos of the the snow capped mountains surrounding the area, including part off the Chilean Andes.
In the afternoon we arrived in Chavey where we were staying over before the journey to the canyon. A nothing town really. Quite run down and somewhat remote. They did have hot springs a little out of town, so I relaxed in those for an hour.
The next morning was an early start, and I really do hate early mornings. 5.30am! We started on the journey to Colca Canyon via some random town to watch local people do some sort of dance around a fountain to win a mate. Due to the number of  tourist buses stopped there, it was obviously for show. And pointless.
After a few hours of driving through some stunning scenary, we arrived at the Condor cross, our destination. From here we sat in different spots admiring the canyon and waiting. We were waiting to see Andean Condors. Big scavenging birds. Some times though, they don't come while you are there.... fortunately one came. And it was amazing watching it soar through the air. And then many more came! And some sat on a rock about 8 metres from me. Quite mesmerising. I could of watched for hours. But we only had an hour :/ we then had to drive all the way back to Arequipa with a lunch stop.
In Arequipa i had a 2 hour break before the night bus back to Cuzco.
Definitely a worthwhile trip!

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